Protecting OUR HILLSIDES from extinction.
mohamed hadid threatens every hillside community in los angeles. fighting against his brand of blight and destruction requires neighborhood cooperation.
Join other Canyon and Hillside residents against Mohamed Hadid's destruction of scenic hillside neighborhoods and hiking trails.
there is power in numbers
We are your neighbors and we seek to protect our precious canyons, hillsides and hiking trails from further destruction. Please add your voice to our community. When we stick together, city officials listen. There is power in numbers.
Ready to HELP?
Among our many goals is to make our presence known to city officials who have so far allowed Hadid to operate freely in our neighborhoods and destroy them. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help our engineers, architects and geologists fight permit approvals, or energy to put political pressure on city officials, we need you on our team.

“I want to make clear that I actively and strongly oppose what is known as “The Hadid Project” at 9650 Cedarbrook. This monstrous, out-of-scale project should have never been able to move forward, given its size, scope and impact on the environment and community..”
— Councilman David Ryu, CD-4, August 11, 2020