Founded by Coldwater Canyon resident and open-space advocate Steven L. Weinberg, we are your canyon community neighbors who seek to protect our precious hillsides, hiking trails and wildlife habitat from further destruction by Mohamed Hadid and others like him. Please add your voice to our community. There is power in numbers.
Hadid is presently building two massive 75,000 sf mega-mansions on the Eastern Ridge of Franklin Canyon Park. Each of these out-of-scale monster houses features an “elevated roadway” to ascend the ridge. This is the equivalent of a hotel sized property requiring the construction of a freeway on-ramp to get there. These projects entail massive defoliation and grading of once natural hillsides and result in the permanent destruction of irreplaceable scenic vistas, open spaces, public hiking trails and wildlife habitat and corridors.
The Hadid projects are located on the Eastern Ridge of lower Franklin Canyon Park adjacent to Coldwater: (1) 9650 Cedarbrook; (2) 9650 Royalton. See the informational resources sections of this website for maps, drawings, permits, plans and other information pertaining to these projects.
NOW. Hadid has already commenced building the Cedarbrook project with corresponding total decimation of the hillsides on Coldwater Canyon at Cedarbrook. Hadid is still in the permit stage for the Royalton project which will result in the termination of public access to the plateau of the Hastain Trail in Franklin Canyon Park.
To stop Hadid at Cedarbrook, we need to appeal building permits that have already been summarily approved by LADBS. This work requires a team of architects, civil engineers, geologists and naturalists to surgically review Hadid’s plans and drawings to find error and/or abuse of discretion on the part of LADBS.
On Royalton, our goal is to unite our voices to compel our elected officials to extend the Hillside Construction Regulation (“HCR”) zoning overlay now protecting other hillside areas, to also cover Franklin Canyon Park and the proposed Royalton site. Unfortunately, massive loopholes in current LA zoning regulations allow rogue and scofflaw developers like Hadid to get building permits without any public hearings or community scrutiny. This practice must stop now.
Because as residents of these hillside neighborhoods, it is incumbent on us to take all necessary measures to protect these precious canyons, hillsides, open spaces and hiking trails from further destruction by Mohamed Hadid and other builders like him. You would think our elected representatives and city officials would share these same concerns and be watching out for us. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Instead, we need to step up and protect our neighborhoods from lawless builders. If we don’t do it, these natural resources will be lost forever. The time is now.