May 27, 2021 @ 1:15 P.M:
We are saddened to report that as of 1:15 p.m. today, Hadid closed Hastain Trail to begin bulldozing Franklin Canyon Park to make way for five more mega-mansions. Say goodbye to Franklin Canyon Park and Hastain Trail.
We have met several times with representatives of Councilmember Nithya Raman's office to push a pending extension of the Hillside Construction Regulation ("HCR") through city council. As followers of this drama know, passage of the HCR extension would have hindered any further development inside Franklin Canyon Park and was a critical legislative initiative needed to save it from Hadid.
The legislation was spearheaded last year by former Councilman David Ryu but it has languished since Councilmember Nithya Raman took office. Even though we repeatedly warned her office this was coming, nothing has been done to move the ball forward since November 2020 and we see no excuse for Raman’s failure to follow through. Now is the time to let Councilmember Raman know your feelings. Below are important contacts for her office. You know what to do:
Councilmember Nithya Raman official website: https://councildistrict4.lacity.org/
Mashael Majid - CD4 Planning Director responsible for HCR initiative: mashael.majid@lacity.org
Najeeba Syeed - Nithya Raman’s Chief of Staf: najeeba.syeed@lacity.org
Meg Healy - CD4 Planning Manager: meg.healy@lacity.org
Rachel Fox - CD4 Field manager - Franklin Coldwater: rachel.fox@lacity.org
Nithya Raman - contactCD4@lacity.org
(213) 473-7004