ridgeline protection ordinance
Ridgelines are an important and unique resource within the City of Los Angeles. Recognizing the value of these resources, the City Council issued a Motion (Council File No. 11-1441-S1) instructing City Planning to identify ways to better protect and preserve the City’s ridgelines, which have become increasingly threatened by development activities. In response, Los Angeles City Planning has prepared the proposed Ridgeline Protection Ordinance.
The initial concepts for this proposed ordinance were shared at a community webinar on November 20, 2020. You can find the presentation from this webinar here.
The Ridgeline Protection Ordinance creates new setback, height, and grading restrictions in a buffer around the ridgeline. By way of example, any ridgeline covered by the ordinance requires that all points of structures be below 50 vertical and 50 horizontal foot window from the ridgeline.
LINK TO ZOOM MEETING (Password: 494199)